But he was not without his reasons. A little mishap and the world could fall over... And he knew about mishaps, so he changed. He decreed that probability wouldn't have him.
One day he woke up. It could be a Monday, as he often cursed them. After his morning rituals, he hopped into his old Ford. It seemed that he wished for his misfortune to end.
The traffic was record breaking, according to the many tweets he got. The four way intersection he used to take was at its fullest and the lights weren't changing any sooner. Normally, he would join the other drivers in honking the desperation away... But he was calm this time... perhaps he saw what was coming...
He was in the north channel of the crossroad and he had to go the west road. But while he was slowly approaching the end, he noticed something... The traffic police disappeared. He was gone from his post... That meant he could do a little turn and get to the western road without inconvenient! It seemed like a lucky day!
Maybe he wasn't listening... perhaps his windshield was dirty... It wasn't anxiety, just an annoying loud air horn. He was shaking afterwards.
He didn't realize that the lights changed in the most unfortunate time possible. What was worst, there was an speeding SUV heading right into his position. He didn't notice until it was very late... Apparently, the SUV made a very violent swerve and crashed with a small car. The road was stained with the burnt tracks an the huge car completely break through the small car. A female voice could be heard screaming for help... But all Jack could see was the visible scratch in his bumper... Have the car not made that swerve...
After the crash, enormous gray clouds were forming. Perhaps it was going to rain? The thunder made it more likely... Or perhaps it wasn't thunder at all...
"Never raise the bet. Just hope to stop the roulette."
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